Welcome to NIROUSHIN TEMPLE, Youzen's temple.
choose your destination and enjoy your stay here. ^.^ Remember to sign the
guestbook and ... place a vote in the poll! ^.~
Why niroushin? Well, according to Chinese myth which Houshin Engi is based on, Youzen is a God known as niroushin. |
new? Oh my gawd! I finally updated the shrine! @.@; Sorry folks, I guess summer was kinda busy for me! Anyway ... I updated the Multimedia Gallery! Enjoy! Wai wai, Utage II!! ^.^ |
Since April, 2000
Comments, questions and flames can be sent to anayounan@yahoo.com
Houshin Engi and Houshin Engi characters are copyright Ryu Fujisaki/Tsutomu Ano and respective owners. |