WARNING! Spoilers Zone!!
Son of Tsuu Ten Kyou
Shu, the leader of Kingoudou, Youzen should've been the 'Prince' of Kingoudou.
But Tsuu Ten Kyou Shu knew that Dakki was up to something back then, and
he was worried that she would make use Youzen's natural born powers. Fearing
that Dakki would turn little Youzen into some disaster-bringing youkai,
Tsuu Ten Kyou Shu decided to send Youzen to Konronsan, where little Youzen
would be safe from Dakki. Could I add that Youzen's such a sweet little boy when he was small? He was so worried that his father had deserted him because he was a bad little boy. (note that the picture was of Gyokutei and Youzen on swings!! KAWAII!!) Gyokutei Shinjin comforted little Youzen, telling him that his father just put him here in the care of the people of Konron to make sure he was safe. It was because his father loved him that he had to leave little Youzen there. Little Youzen responded cheerfully, "Alright! Then I'll have to be a good boy and grow up to be good so that papa will take be back soon! ^-^" *melts* Isn't he sweet?
I've always found this weird though...
Youzen has a Youkai form. Why? Probably this thing in his blood, him being
a Youkai Sennin in fact (refer to Childhood). Anyway... seems like that
Youzen has to use his powers (ki?) to keep himself from transforming into
his Youkai form... so his Youkai form would happen to be what he -really-
looks like. (Oh no! so he's not really the blue-haired bishounen!) Since
he has to keep his past and his identity a secret, he can't let anyone
find out that he's actually a Youkai. However, this was revealed near the
middle-to-end of the manga series.
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Houshin Engi and Houshin Engi characters are copyright Ryu Fujisaki/Tsutomu Ano and respective owners. |